2018 Alumni Reception

15 November, 2018 5:30 pm – 8:30 pm

Toronto Alumni Reception 2018

The Queen’s Economics Department hosted a reception for all its Toronto-area alumni on November 15, 2018 at the Peter Pan Bistro, 373 Queen St. W., Toronto which is owned and managed by Noah Goldberg (BA ’07). Alumni were able to meet with old friends and with current and former faculty members and staff. Many brought spouses or partners.

There was no charge for this event, and we provided food and up to two free drinks. Several alumni who attended have since made tax-deductible contributions to one of the Department's numerous fundraising projects.

Since we may not have up-to-date information for all our alumni, to ensure you are invited to future events, please send us any address corrections and updates to your contact information to:

Juanita Dennie
E-mail:  denniej@econ.queensu.ca
Phone:  613 533-3122
Fax:  613 533-6668